Fresh, Small-Batch Nutrition for Better Health & Performance

The Gear Nuts

It's incredibly gratifying to see people enjoy something you put a lot of hard work into creating. With that said, the recent Enduro Bites Real Race Food review by The Gear Nuts has me smiling.

One of my favorite quotes from the review.

Finally a energy bar that got the espresso flavor right! We’ve tested a pretty extensive variety of coffee and espresso flavored energy bars, gels, and bites but none have come as close as Enduro Bites to getting it right.

That authentic espresso flavor is due to the fact we actually use espresso-roast coffee beans in Dark Chocolate Espresso Enduro Bites. All to often other products use coffee flavors or extracts, which don't have the same taste.

Thank you to The Gear Nuts for the write-up!

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